Microtonal Notation Software

Microtonal Notation Software

25 line staff: 5 Staff Lines, 8 Region Lines, 12 Micro Lines
205 pitch zones per octave: 41 positions x 5 inflections
41 Comma zones per octave by position
5 JND zones per position by inflection
Name(s) of currently selected Note shown in Toolbar
Standard Treble, Alto, Tenor and Bass clefs (G, C and F clefs)
Flat and Sharp
Double-Flat and Double-Sharp
Triple-flat and Triple-sharp
Standard and Additive meters
May use different meters on different staves simultaneously
Standard rhythmic notation using notes, rests, dots and ties
128th note to whole note
Single and Double dots
Tuplets of any value
Automatic Beaming
Point and click with the mouse
Type on the computer keyboard
Play in using a standard MIDI controller
Play in using Tonal Plexus MIDI controller
Click to select an element
Shift-Click to select multiple elements
Drag a Marquee Box to select a group of elements
Copy, Cut, Paste, or Delete selected elements
Drag to repostion selected elements (no tool selection necessary)
Transpose selected notes by any interval up or down
Change durations of selected notes and rests
8 Conventional Interval Sizes
5 Conventional Interval Qualities
5 Comma-Shifted Interval Types
5 Inflected JND Fine Tunings
Instant MIDI response for Note entry and editing
Score is also a MIDI sequence
MIDI playback and recording uses standard transport controls
Metronome adjustable from 1 to 400 BPM
1024 MIDI timing divisions per quarter note (PPQ resolution)
Retuned MIDI playback on computer’s internal synth or external gear
Editable MIDI Event List
Save and Load scores as text files
Save Standard MIDI Files

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