Microtonal Notation Software

25 line staff: 5 Staff Lines, 8 Region Lines, 12 Micro Lines
205 pitch zones per octave: 41 positions x 5 inflections
41 Comma zones per octave by position
5 JND zones per position by inflection
Name(s) of currently selected Note shown in Toolbar
Standard Treble, Alto, Tenor and Bass clefs (G, C and F clefs)
Flat and Sharp
Double-Flat and Double-Sharp
Triple-flat and Triple-sharp
Standard and Additive meters
May use different meters on different staves simultaneously
Standard rhythmic notation using notes, rests, dots and ties
128th note to whole note
Single and Double dots
Tuplets of any value
Automatic Beaming
Point and click with the mouse
Type on the computer keyboard
Play in using a standard MIDI controller
Play in using Tonal Plexus MIDI controller
Click to select an element
Shift-Click to select multiple elements
Drag a Marquee Box to select a group of elements
Copy, Cut, Paste, or Delete selected elements
Drag to repostion selected elements (no tool selection necessary)
Transpose selected notes by any interval up or down
Change durations of selected notes and rests
8 Conventional Interval Sizes
5 Conventional Interval Qualities
5 Comma-Shifted Interval Types
5 Inflected JND Fine Tunings
Instant MIDI response for Note entry and editing
Score is also a MIDI sequence
MIDI playback and recording uses standard transport controls
Metronome adjustable from 1 to 400 BPM
1024 MIDI timing divisions per quarter note (PPQ resolution)
Retuned MIDI playback on computer’s internal synth or external gear
Editable MIDI Event List
Save and Load scores as text files
Save Standard MIDI Files

TPX2: Two Octaves 422 Keys Microtonal MIDI Keyboard Controller

default JND master tuning = 205ET
32 full range programmable tunings with Tonal Plexus Editor software
general MIDI compatibility — Compatibility Charts
selectable MIDI pitch bend resolution: std = 1.56 cents (7-bit), high = 0.01 cents (14-bit)
top panel
four faders: control channel panning, channel modulation, channel volume and key velocity
jog dial: select and enter preset program parameters
two octave switches: up and down
2 x 20 LCD character display: currently selected preset, tuning, bank, patch, and polyphony
sixteen channel switches: selectable MIDI output channel polyphony, from 1 to 16 voices
sixteen patch buttons: store and recall synthesizer banks and patches
sixteen tuning table buttons: store and recall tuning tables
switches for sustain pedal polarity, pedal input direction, MIDI pitch bend resolution and local control on/off
side panel
power: 12V DC international transformer input
MIDI IN / program: connect to computer or external controller (used with local control off for external control or to upload tunings)
MIDI OUT (tuned): connect to any general MIDI tone module or sampler for tuned output
sends the following MIDI data on selected channels
bank select, patch change, pitch bend range RPNs, selectable 7-bit / 14-bit pitch bend
note on / note off (one note per channel = monotimbral up to 16 voice polyphony)
panning, modulation, MIDI volume and MIDI key velocity (controlled by top-panel faders or external pedals)
MIDI THRU (out untuned): connect to computer or external module for untuned output and external control (used with local control off)
SUSTAIN: connect a damper pedal to this 1/4” mono jack to control MIDI sustain
pedals VELOCITY, VOLUME: connect Lo-Z (25K) mono volume pedals to these 1/4” jacks to control MIDI key velocity and MIDI volume (pedals override top panel faders)
TPXE Tonal Plexus Editor software
cross-platform compatibility (Mac OSX and Windows XP)
intuitive user interface
tunings formatted as text files
import Scala files
upload tunings via the keyboard MIDI in port

Microtonal Keyboard Converter

Got a standard MIDI keyboard? Retune it! TBX1 makes retuning as easy as pushing a button. Attach this little box to your synth and instantly change the tuning to anything you like. It comes preloaded with 128 tunings for you to try out, and it stores tuning tables in 4 layers, totalling over 500 tunings, which you can easily edit using the included Tuning Box Editor cross-platform software. Set up your own tuning, upload it to the Tuning Box and plug it into any General MIDI controller and synthesizer to make your music. Portable and ready for the stage, it even runs for eight hours on batteries.

128 tables x 4 layers = 512 full range programmable tunings with Tuning Box Editor software
General MIDI compatibility — Compatibility Charts
jog dial: select and enter preset program parameters
MIDI LEDs: monitor MIDI IN and MIDI OUT traffic
LCD display: currently selected tuning, bank, patch and polyphony (with backlight ON/OFF switch)
sixteen channel switches: selectable MIDI output channel polyphony, from 1 to 16 voices
fifteen preset buttons: store and recall tuning, synthesizer bank and patch
selectable MIDI pitch bend resolution: 7-bit = 1.56 cents, 14-bit = 0.01 cents
External MIDI Message Pedal / Sequencer Control
receive tuning table Changes
receive bank and patch changes
full sustain pedal support
full control of held key behavior when tuning table change messages are received
Inputs and Outputs
12V DC power input — International Switching Multi-Plug Power Supply Included!
MIDI IN: connect to any MIDI controller (keyboard, sequencer, etc.)
connect computer to MIDI IN to upload tunings
MIDI OUT: connect to any general MIDI tone module, sampler or computer MIDI interface for tuned output
sends the following MIDI data on selected channels
bank select, patch change, pitch bend range RPNs, selectable 7-bit / 14-bit pitch bend
note on / note off (one note per channel = monotimbral up to 16 voice polyphony)
MIDI Velocity, Modulation, and Volume are passed as received at MIDI IN
MIDI THRU: sends unmodified MIDI data received at the MIDI in through to another unit.
Tuning Box Editor software
cross-platform compatibility (Mac OSX and Windows XP)
intuitive user interface
tunings formatted as text files
import Scala files
upload tunings via the tuning box MIDI in


When you’re creating a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) in Singapore at https://www.touch.org.sg/get-involved/professional-deputies-donees, it’s easy to make mistakes that can complicate the process or even render your LPA invalid. Selecting the wrong donee is one such pitfall; you need someone trustworthy and capable to handle your affairs. Additionally, you’re likely to face issues if you fill out the forms incorrectly or incompletely. These are just the beginning. What about anticipating future needs or adhering to legal requirements? Each step is pivotal and missing them can lead to significant problems. So, what are the key strategies to avoid these pitfalls?

Choosing the Wrong Donee

Choosing an inappropriate donee can undermine the effectiveness of your Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) in Singapore. You need to select someone trustworthy, reliable, and capable of making critical decisions on your behalf. Guarantee the donee comprehends your wishes and obligations fully. The wrong choice can result in mismanagement, legal complications, and the failure of your intended protections and directives.

Incomplete or Incorrect Forms

Filling out the Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) forms incorrectly or incompletely can lead to significant delays and potential legal issues. Confirm that all sections are accurately completed and double-check personal details, signatures, and dates. Errors can cause your LPA to be rejected, necessitating resubmission and prolonging the process. Seek professional advice if you’re uncertain about any part of the form.

Not Considering Future Needs

While ensuring forms are accurate is essential, overlooking future needs can create significant challenges when setting up an LPA in Singapore. You must anticipate potential changes in your health, finances, and personal circumstances. Tailor the LPA to accommodate evolving needs, ensuring it remains relevant. This foresight safeguards against unforeseen complications, providing peace of mind and long-term protection.

Ignoring Legal Requirements

Neglecting to adhere to the legal requirements when creating an LPA in Singapore can render the document invalid and leave your interests unprotected. Confirm your LPA follows the prescribed format, is signed correctly, and witnessed appropriately. Consult a legal professional to verify compliance. Missing even one requirement can invalidate the LPA, exposing you to significant risks and potential legal complications.


Are you constantly looking for ways to enhance your cognitive function and stay sharp throughout the day? You might be surprised to learn that the solution could be as simple as the foods you consume. With a myriad of options available at https://www.themindtreat.com, it’s essential to know which brain-boosting foods are most beneficial for both students and professionals. So, which foods can give your brain the edge it needs to perform at its best?

Memory-Boosting Foods

To improve your memory, incorporating memory-boosting foods into your diet can be an effective and practical strategy. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and walnuts, have been shown to support brain health and enhance memory. Additionally, consuming blueberries, known for their high levels of antioxidants, can help improve memory function. Including these foods in your diet may help maintain and improve your cognitive abilities.

Focus-Enhancing Foods

Incorporating focus-enhancing foods into your diet can further support your cognitive function and mental acuity, building on the benefits of memory-boosting foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. Foods such as blueberries, leafy greens, fatty fish, and dark chocolate are known for their ability to improve focus and concentration. These foods contain nutrients like flavonoids, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants that have been linked to enhanced brain function and improved attention.

Brain-Health Foods

For optimal brain health, consider adding nutrient-rich foods to your diet that have been shown to support cognitive function and overall mental well-being. Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds, can help improve brain function. Additionally, dark leafy greens like spinach and kale are rich in antioxidants and vitamin K, which have been linked to improved cognitive function. Including these brain-healthy foods in your diet can support long-term brain health.

Performance-Optimizing Foods

As you seek to enhance cognitive performance, consider integrating specific foods into your diet that have been shown to optimize brain function and support mental acuity. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and walnuts, can improve cognitive function. Additionally, dark leafy greens like spinach and kale contain antioxidants and vitamins that support brain health. Berries, rich in flavonoids, are also known for enhancing memory and cognitive function.


Are you a cross border trucker between Malaysia and Singapore? Then buckle up, because navigating customs regulations is essential knowledge for a smooth journey.

In this article, we will guide you through the ins and outs of the customs clearance process, including the required documentation and import/export duties and taxes.

We’ll also tackle common challenges faced in cross border trucking and provide practical solutions.

Get ready to conquer the road with confidence!

Understanding the Customs Clearance Process

Understanding the customs clearance process is crucial for smooth cross-border trucking between Malaysia and Singapore. When transporting goods across the border, you must be aware of the necessary procedures and documentation required by both countries’ customs authorities.

cross border trucking Malaysia Singapore

Firstly, you need to complete a customs declaration form that includes details about your goods, such as their description, quantity, and value. In addition to this form, you will also need to provide supporting documents like commercial invoices, packing lists, and shipping manifests. It is important to note that certain items may require additional permits or licenses from relevant authorities.

Once all the required paperwork is in order, your goods will undergo inspection by customs officers at the border checkpoints before being allowed entry into the destination country. Failing to comply with customs regulations can result in delays or even penalties, so it is essential to have a clear understanding of the entire customs clearance process when engaging in cross-border trucking between Malaysia and Singapore.

Required Documentation for Cross Border Trucking

To successfully transport goods between Malaysia and Singapore, truck drivers must have the proper documentation. Without these essential documents, your cross border trucking operations could face delays or even be denied entry at the customs checkpoints.

The main document required is the customs declaration form, which includes important details such as the nature of goods, their value, and origin. Additionally, you will need to present a valid commercial invoice for each shipment, outlining the product description, quantity, and price.

Don’t forget to carry your cargo insurance certificate to provide proof of coverage in case of any mishaps during transportation. Lastly, make sure you have a valid permit from both Malaysian and Singaporean authorities allowing you to engage in cross-border trucking activities.

Import and Export Duties and Taxes

Make sure you’re aware of the import and export duties and taxes involved when transporting goods across the border.

When conducting cross-border trucking between Malaysia and Singapore, it is crucial to understand the financial implications of these duties and taxes.

Import duties are charges imposed on goods brought into a country, while export duties are levied on goods leaving a country. These duties are calculated based on various factors such as the value of the goods, their classification, and any applicable trade agreements or exemptions.

In addition to import and export duties, there may also be other taxes like value-added tax (VAT) or Goods and Services Tax (GST) that need to be accounted for.

It is essential to accurately calculate these costs ahead of time to avoid any surprises or delays at customs checkpoints.

Common Challenges and Solutions in Cross Border Trucking

When conducting cross-border trucking, it’s important to find solutions for the various challenges you may encounter.

One common challenge is the issue of documentation. Ensuring that all necessary paperwork is in order can be time-consuming and complex. To overcome this challenge, make sure to familiarize yourself with the specific documentation requirements of both Malaysia and Singapore customs.

Another challenge is navigating through traffic congestion at border crossings. This can lead to delays and increased costs. To mitigate this, plan your trips carefully, taking into account peak traffic hours and alternative routes if necessary.

Additionally, language barriers can pose a challenge when dealing with customs officials or local authorities. Overcome this by having bilingual staff or interpreters available during the transportation process.


Are you skeptical about how technology can truly support caregivers? Well, prepare to be pleasantly surprised.

In this article, we will explore innovative approaches that harness the power of technology to enhance caregiver wellbeing.

From wearable devices and telehealth solutions to artificial intelligence and virtual reality, these advancements offer personalized assistance and stress reduction for caregivers like never before.

So, put aside any doubts and join us on this journey towards greater caregiver support by https://www.touch.org.sg through cutting-edge technology.

Leveraging Wearable Devices for Caregiver Support

You can enhance your caregiver support by using wearable devices.

Wearable devices, such as smartwatches and fitness trackers, offer innovative solutions to help you monitor and manage both your own wellbeing and that of the person under your care. These devices provide real-time data on important health metrics like heart rate, sleep patterns, and activity levels. By tracking these indicators, you can gain valuable insights into the physical and emotional well-being of both yourself and your loved one.

This information allows you to make more informed decisions about their care, ensuring their safety and overall wellness. Additionally, wearable devices often come equipped with features like medication reminders and emergency alerts, providing an extra layer of security for both of you.

Embrace the power of technology to enhance your caregiving experience and improve the quality of life for everyone involved.

Enhancing Communication Through Telehealth Solutions

Using telehealth solutions can greatly enhance communication for caregivers. It allows you to easily connect with healthcare professionals and receive support from the comfort of your own home. Telehealth provides a convenient and efficient way to communicate with doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers without the need for in-person visits. Through video calls or messaging platforms, you can discuss any concerns or questions you have about your loved one’s health and receive guidance on how to best care for them.

This technology also enables remote monitoring. Healthcare professionals can monitor vital signs or medication adherence from a distance. By utilizing telehealth solutions, caregivers like yourself can feel supported and empowered in your caregiving journey while ensuring the well-being of your loved ones.

Integrating Artificial Intelligence for Personalized Caregiver Assistance

By integrating artificial intelligence, caregivers like yourself can receive personalized assistance that caters to the unique needs of your loved ones. AI technology has revolutionized the caregiving landscape by providing innovative solutions that enhance the quality of care and support you can offer.

With AI-powered tools, you can now access real-time insights and recommendations to better understand your loved one’s specific requirements, enabling you to provide tailored care that promotes their overall wellbeing. From monitoring medication adherence and vital signs to predicting potential health issues, AI algorithms analyze data and alert you to any changes or concerns.

This level of personalized assistance not only saves time but also ensures a higher standard of care for your loved ones. As a caregiver, embracing AI-driven technologies empowers you with valuable resources to provide optimal support while prioritizing their individual needs.

Exploring Virtual Reality for Stress Reduction in Caregivers

Virtual reality is being explored as a potential tool for reducing stress among caregivers. Caregiving can be physically and emotionally demanding, leading to high levels of stress and burnout. By immersing caregivers in a virtual environment, this innovative technology offers an escape from the daily challenges they face. Through simulated experiences, caregivers can temporarily disconnect from their responsibilities and find moments of relaxation and rejuvenation.

Virtual reality programs designed for caregivers often include calming landscapes, soothing sounds, guided meditation sessions, and mindfulness exercises. These immersive experiences aim to promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and improve overall well-being. By providing a temporary respite from the demands of caregiving, virtual reality has the potential to positively impact caregiver mental health.

Additionally, virtual reality can also help caregivers develop empathy by simulating scenarios where they can experience what it’s like to be in the shoes of those they care for. This increased understanding may lead to improved communication and more effective caregiving practices.

As research continues in this field, virtual reality holds promise as a valuable tool for supporting caregiver well-being and enhancing their ability to provide compassionate care.